Vaginoplasty - Rejuvenation of the vagina
Functional or aesthetic surgery of the intimate region? Vaginoplasty and labiaplasty - rejuvenation of the vagina
Dr. Nikola Stanojević - urologist, specialist in urogenital reconstructive surgery explains the details of vaginoplasty surgical intervention

It is a misconception that vaginoplasty, as a surgical intervention that focuses on restoring the genital region to its normal state, belongs to the group of cosmetic surgeries.
Rejuvenation of the vagina, tightening or narrowing of the vagina are terms associated with reconstructive surgical intervention - vaginoplasty.

The functional need for reconstruction of female intimate organs (vaginoplasty) most often occurs after natural childbirth.

Giving birth naturally in all women leads to stretching of the pelvic floor structures. When the baby is wider than the mother's birth canal, the doctor-gynecologist-obstetrician will decide on an episiotomy in order to facilitate the passage of the baby and damage the mother as little as possible. Fortunately, a woman's body is very adaptable and usually after a few months after giving birth, everything goes back to its place. Most women have absolutely no aesthetic or functional problems six months after giving birth.

Unfortunately, not so few women have a different experience. The vagina after childbirth is definitely not the same, neither in appearance nor in function. The walls of the vagina relax and the muscles lose their tone, the scar from the episiotomy heals irregularly, the cut part is quite hard and painful to the touch, there is a feeling as if everything is open below, that air flows uncontrollably, especially in women who have given birth more than once . There are frequent genital infections, great pain during intimate relations, and sometimes a complete loss of sexual sensation.

Many young mothers complain after giving birth that they do not feel their partner during sex as before, and that they do not experience an orgasm as before giving birth.

Who to turn to? Who to trust after a traumatic birth?
It is a delicate topic for every woman. Young mothers need a lot of time to make a decision about solving their problems and to ask for the help of experts.

Women do not decide to tighten the vagina just for aesthetic reasons. The basic problem is much more serious, and it is not only a matter of the beauty of the intimate region, but a serious functional disorder that disturbs the quality of life.

The conversation should begin with a doctor who has experience in restoring your intimate region to normal, a specialist in genital reconstructive surgery.
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Do I need vaginoplasty?
For ladies who are dissatisfied with problems with the intimate region after childbirth, a specialist doctor can suggest surgical treatment for the reconstruction of the vagina - vaginoplasty.
Vaginoplasty is a surgical method of restoring not only the normal shape but also the erogenous feel of the vagina. Your doctor-surgeon has the task of removing the existing scars from poorly healed episiothymia, joining stretched muscles, tightening weakened ligaments, and functionally and aesthetically returning your most sensitive region to its natural state.
Vaginoplasty, when performed at the same time as the reconstruction of the levator muscles of the pelvic organs, is also the method of choice for prolapse, i.e., prolapse of the bladder, uterus or rectum. These conditions are called cystocele and rectocele (cystocele and rectocele), and the operations for their reconstruction are anterior and posterior colposuspension, i.e. colporrhaphy.
Is vaginoplasty effective?
Surgical tightening of the vagina means returning the vagina to its old size, that is, its narrowing and rejuvenation. If necessary, surgical intervention is very successful.
Why surgery? I would like my intimate area to return to normal with the laser method
An alternative to surgery is tightening of the vagina by heating with radiofrequency waves or a laser. This non-invasive method of tightening the vaginal wall gives good results only in mild forms of weakness of the intimate region and is used to tighten collagen fibers weakened by the natural aging process in women after middle age.

The laser method will not give the desired results to young mothers who have experienced a significant loosening of the vaginal wall or have unpleasant scars after childbirth. In such situations, the only option for vaginal lubrication is surgical reconstruction of vaginal tightening - vaginoplasty.
How soon after giving birth can I have vaginoplasty?
When it comes to postpartum vaginoplasty, there are several issues to consider. Usually, vaginoplasty is not considered for women who have decided to give birth again. If a woman decides to give birth to a child after vaginoplasty, the beneficial effects of the vaginal tightening operation may disappear completely, which requires a new intervention to restore the intimate region.

Some surgeons will suggest vaginoplasty as early as three months postpartum. Dr. Nikola Stanojević prefers to wait a little longer, sometimes six months after giving birth. There is no room for impatience, because the period of six months after childbirth gives the best possible picture of the real state of the scars that need to be corrected.

For an optimal assessment of the problem and to achieve the best result, it is necessary to wait until enough time has passed since the birth in order to determine whether there is a real problem at all and what is the best way to treat it.
In some cases, a vaginoplasty may not be appropriate because another, less invasive option (a laser procedure) is a much more practical option.
Vaginal health, an important part of female sexuality, can be a very sensitive topic for many women, especially if they feel that their vaginas are not beautiful or "sexy" enough by their standards.
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I decided to have an intervention, what is the procedure?
If, after a detailed discussion and examination by Dr. Nikola Stanojević, a specialist in genital surgery, the need for vaginoplasty is established, you will agree on the date of the intervention in accordance with your monthly cycle.
A few days before the intervention, the internist will examine you to make sure that you are medically ready for the operation. On the day of the operation, you will be placed in a hospital suite and the surgeon, Dr. Nikola Stanojević, will once again explain to you all the details of the intervention itself and recovery after the operation. Do not eat or drink six hours before the intervention. For your comfort, the intervention is usually performed under general anesthesia, but upon your request, it can also be performed under regional anesthesia. The intervention itself with all anesthesia lasts up to 2 hours, after which you wake up in the hospital suite.

You can expect to leave the hospital the next day after the operation. When you leave the hospital, Dr. Stanojević will stay in close contact with you for regular check-ups, dressings and post-operative follow-up.
You can expect to return to work 10 days after the intervention, of course depending on the work you do. You can return to vigorous physical activity 6 to 8 weeks after surgery. The sutures used are self-dissolving and there is no need to remove them.
Your doctor usually gives you permission to start sexual relations 6 to 8 weeks after vaginoplasty surgery.

How will I feel after surgery?
The scar heals after a few weeks so that it is no longer visible or felt. Touch, sexual sensitivity and sensation during orgasm return to normal 6 weeks after a properly performed operation.
After the period of complete healing, which is usually about three months after the operation, you will not even notice that you have been operated on, and everything will look like before the birth.

Genital reconstructive surgery is Dr. Nikola Stanojević's main field. Vaginoplasty is a very important part of his surgical practice, because he believes that when a woman gets rid of everyday "small problems down there", when she regains her lost beauty, and feels attractive again, the return of self-confidence inevitably follows, and an increase in the quality of life as one of the most important measures of human life. of health.

Everyone deserves to feel attractive and desirable. It is important to find a surgeon who not only understands and sympathizes with your condition and your needs, but also has the knowledge and skill to fulfill your wishes.
Any woman who has functional problems down there after childbirth should do everything she can to correct it.

Women like to feel beautiful when they undress, and the task of a genital surgeon is to restore that lost feeling.