TrueBeam STx

Unique offer only for AMS patients
Special prices. Individual approach. Urgent treatment plan.
Leading advances in radiation therapy in one machine
The TrueBeam system is a revolutionary technology that combines the best of the latest radiation techniques used in the treatment of malignant tumors: IMRT, IGRT, Gated RT and others. Today, this is the most high-tech equipment, actively used in the Italian Humanitas network.

TrueBeam is a complex linear accelerator that combines radiation therapy and complex radiosurgical operations in a single complex. The equipment not only allows to reduce the number of therapy sessions several times, but also guarantees the highest precision of surgery down to fractions of a millimeter.

Among the main advantages:

improved visualization during all manipulations;
reducing radiation exposure to healthy organs;
accuracy up to 0.5 mm.
TrueBeam STx is especially actively used in the treatment of lung, prostate, breast, brain and spinal cord tumors.

Sensitivity, speed and precision of all manipulations
Previously, no similar device provided such high precision of irradiation. The modern visualization system and technological solution HD MLC allow to ensure maximum correspondence of the beam shape to the shape of the neoplasm.

The system is extremely sensitive. During the procedure, a comprehensive analysis of the patient's condition is carried out: breathing, body position and individual organs. During the procedure, the position can be adjusted - there are 6 positions, each of which can be changed. The device also allows you to control breathing at the time of irradiation, thereby eliminating irradiation of organs that shift during inhalation or exhalation.

Compared to previously used radiation methods and equipment, TrueBeam STx reduces the time of each session by 5-8 times. This makes the procedure not only safer for the patient, but also more comfortable – he does not have to stay in one position for a long time. Plus, the overall treatment time is reduced.

If on older devices only one session can last up to an hour and a half, then in TrueBeam STx it is less than 20 minutes. A stronger dose is given during one session, but it acts locally. The result is that less than 5 sessions with TrueBeam STx equipment are equal to 30-35 sessions using older models.

Other important benefits of the technology include:

absence of pain during and after the procedure;
no need to make an incision to perform therapy;
hospitalization is not required;
significant reduction in the risk of side effects.
Specifics of the procedure
The system operates under 100% computer control, which minimizes the human factor and eliminates the risk of errors during manipulations. A collimator system is used, which controls the degree of radiation and ensures absolutely precise treatment for each patient. The control system for the location of the treatment table and the patient on it guarantees the correct positioning of the patient for even greater precision of all manipulations. The device uses a mechanical sleeve that can rotate 360 ​​degrees. It can also function as a surgical scalpel.

At Humanitas clinics, the TrueBeam STx is complemented by the BrainLeba device, which is used to perform intracranial and extracranial procedures. Previously, such interventions were simply impossible, and even the most experienced surgeons would not undertake such work 10-15 years ago. Now, this is not only a real operation, but also relatively simple thanks to the latest technological advances.

The patient must be awake during the procedure and lie still when the doctor asks for it. In some cases, immobility can be achieved by means of special fixing devices.

Stages of the procedure:

A mask and a vacuum bed are prepared.
CT cut points are formed.
The cuts are transmitted to the planning system.
An individual treatment plan is planned.
The plan is approved by the attending physician and physicist, after which the procedure is performed.
The system is used for partial irradiation, adaptive radiation, volume therapy and other methods of influencing a malignant tumor. The beams are aimed precisely at the neoplasm, their position is adjusted by a specialist and corrected by the system for maximum accuracy.

It is important that the irradiation procedure using the TrueBeam STx system does not affect the patient's daily life. Further treatment is carried out on an outpatient basis, and the person returns to a normal rhythm of life as quickly as possible. At the moment, no other method of treating malignant tumors is as effective and safe as the TrueBeam STx technology used in the Humanitas network of clinics.