Pleural mesothelioma

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Pleural mesothelioma is a malignant cancerous neoplasm. It is extremely rare - 1 case per 100,000. The success of treatment largely depends on the promptness of detection and the accuracy of diagnosis.

Pleural mesothelioma can be benign or malignant. In the first case, recovery occurs in 90% of cases. The malignant tumor develops very rapidly, gradually spreading to the entire pleura. Gradually, it grows into the lungs, liver, heart, and other healthy tissues and organs. Metastases in pleural mesothelioma are rare.

Experts have established that the main factor in the development of the disease is human contact with asbestos. But mesothelioma does not form immediately, but after a long time. Sometimes - up to 50 years. Often this type of cancer occurs in people over 40 years old. Mostly in men. Frequent contact with carcinogenic elements increases the risk of getting sick: liquid paraffin, silicates, beryllium, etc.

Classification and symptoms of pleural mesothelioma
Depending on the extent of tumor spread, there are 4 stages of the disease:

Stage 1 – there is only one-sided pleural damage.
Stage 2 – the tumor spreads to the visceral pleura, as well as the muscles of the diaphragm on the same side.
Stage 3 – the pericardium, adjacent tissues, etc. are affected.
Stage 4 – the tumor spreads to the spine, peritoneum and other more distant areas.
In the late stage of pleural mesothelioma, distant metastases may occur, but they are relatively rare.

The tumor may not give any obvious symptoms for a long time. Several years may pass from the moment of its appearance before a person turns to a specialist. But sometimes the first signs appear after 2-3 months.

The main complaints of patients:

general weakness;
profuse sweating without apparent cause;
rapid weight loss.
In addition, a dry cough appears. As the tumor grows, bloody sputum sometimes appears. At later stages, a slight swelling of the joints occurs, pain in the bones and even deformation of the fingers appears.

Rapid development of the disease provokes severe shortness of breath, pain in the affected area, which can move to the shoulder, neck, shoulder blade or abdomen. Such phenomena are observed in the late stages of the disease. The pain is pronounced and strong, and is not relieved by conventional painkillers.

At the first signs of the disease or if there is a suspicion of pleural mesothelioma, it is necessary to immediately contact specialists to conduct a comprehensive interdisciplinary diagnosis and, if necessary, begin treatment.

Diagnosis and treatment of the disease
Primary diagnostics is chest X-ray. It allows detecting the first and main signs of the disease:

the volume of the chest becomes smaller;
the mediastinal organs are displaced;
the parietal pleura increases;
a massive hydrothorax is formed.
After X-ray, ultrasound, computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging of the lungs are mandatory. These measures allow better visualization of the neoplasm, detection of tumor tissue growth into healthy tissues and organs.

Thoracocentesis or percutaneous biopsy is used to study the tissue of the tumor. However, to obtain more accurate information, Humanitas specialists use open or thoracoscopic biopsy.

Treatment of the disease involves the use of almost the same methods as for other oncological diseases. In cases of rapid accumulation of pleural effusion, drainage using a microcatheter or unloading punctures is mandatory.

If pleural mesothelioma is local, surgical treatment is quite effective. However, not always, since the operation is complex, with an increased risk to health and life. Therefore, the main method of treatment remains polychemotherapy. Sometimes drugs are administered intrapleurally for greater effect. As an additional measure after chemotherapy, radiotherapy is used.

In general, malignant pleural mesothelioma has a rather unfavorable prognosis. However, modern combined treatment allows to prolong the life of patients for years. Experts recommend completely eliminating contact with various asbestos materials to avoid the manifestation of such a dangerous disease in the future. But if it occurs, you should contact leading specialists, which are the doctors of the Humanitas Medical Center.