Implantation of Phakic Intraocular Lenses

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Over the past 25 years of development of refractive surgery, ophthalmologists have achieved that today it is possible to correct almost any degree of myopia, hypermetropia and astigmatism.

Phakic intraocular lenses are a salvation for patients with high degrees of myopia, hypermetropia and astigmatism. They are the only method of surgical treatment for patients who are contraindicated for laser vision correction.

Benefits of phakic lens implantation:
  • being in the eye, they do not come into contact with the iris and cornea, which prevents the possibility of dystrophy;
  • unique biocompatibility with the human eye;
  • protection of the retina from ultraviolet rays;
  • vision is restored 2-3 hours after the operation;
  • maintaining the integrity of the corneal structure
Implantation of phakic lenses is successfully used in cases where the natural accommodation of the lens has not yet been lost, and the lenses can be implanted into the eye without removing the natural lens of the person. At its core, implantation of phakic lenses is similar to correction using contact lenses. Only contact lenses are placed on the cornea, and phakic lenses are implanted inside the eye in the posterior or anterior chamber of the eye, preserving the natural lens. Phakic lenses allow the eye to maintain the ability to see objects both near and far.

Implantation of phakic IOLs is a more advanced method of refractive surgery for high degrees of refractive anomaly (myopia, hypermetropia, astigmatism), as it is a reversible, stable method and does not violate the shape and integrity of the cornea.

Implantation of phakic IOLs is more physiological compared to the clear lens extraction method and is therefore suitable for younger patients.
With promising results and modern surgical and diagnostic equipment, PRL/MPL implantation is becoming one of the most interesting and promising areas of refractive surgery. 10 years of experience with PRL/MPL implantation provides encouraging results.

The necessary conditions for the use of phakic lenses are high requirements for the accuracy of calculation and selection of a specific type of lens, and the quality of work of the ophthalmic surgeon.
When selecting the type of phakic lenses, ophthalmologists take into account various features: the individual state of eye optics, the patient’s age, his lifestyle, and type of activity. Our specialists have appropriate certificates from manufacturers of phakic intraocular lenses, which gives them the right to implant phakic lenses and guarantees the highest quality of eye surgery.

Since 2001, all European countries have allowed the use of silicone posterior chamber phakic lenses PRL/MPL (CIBA Vision, Switzerland, now the lens belongs to Carl Zeiss, Germany).
The PRL Posterior Chamber Phakic Refractive Lens is made from purified, biocompatible silicone with a high refractive index of 1.46 and features an ultra-thin design measuring just 30 microns thick. The optical part has a diameter of 4.5 to 5 mm and is located on the front surface of the lens. The non-optical part is not completely transparent, but has a unique matte color, which reduces glare and gall effects after surgery. The radius of curvature of the lens is identical to the radius of curvature of the natural lens, as a result of which the phakic lens gently rests its edges on the lens ligaments, “floating” in the posterior chamber of the eye without touching the lens thanks to the constant flow of intraocular fluid, resulting in a constant distance between the phakic lens and the lens.

The first such lens was implanted in 1986. Today's PRL is a 4th generation phakic posterior chamber lens. It was approved for clinical use in the West and received the so-called CEE mark in 2000. To date, more than 20,000 PRL implantations have been performed worldwide with very promising results.
During the implantation of phakic lenses, the ophthalmic surgeon performs all manipulations through a self-sealing microincision up to 2.5 mm in size, which  does not require sutures.  This surgical intervention is performed  within 10-15 minutes, on an outpatient basis, without hospitalization.  Drip anesthesia is used, which is easily tolerated by patients of different ages and does not put a strain on the cardiovascular system. After the procedure, the patient quickly returns to his usual rhythm of life. Restrictions are minimal and mainly relate to hygiene procedures in the first time after surgery.
Dr. Dementiev  is the world's leading specialist in the implantation of this lens. He participated in its development, developed and improved modern surgical implantation techniques. The entire set of microsurgical instruments for performing the operation bears his name. All doctors who use the PRL/MPL phakic lens implantation technique (there are only 900 of them worldwide) have completed  Dr. Dementiev’s master classes , which are regularly conducted by Carl Zeiss, and received the appropriate certificate.
Standard lens implantation surgery is performed on an outpatient basis in Day Hospital mode, under local drip anesthesia (without the need for an anesthetic injection), lasts approximately 15-20 minutes for both eyes, and does not require sutures or bandages.
A new model of phakic lens PRL - MPL, manufacturer Medennium, USA. The new model of the phakic lens has an enlarged optical zone and a thinner, more elastic and softer haptic, which facilitates implantation and reduces the possibility of a “halo” in the postoperative period. With this lens, myopia can be corrected up to -30 diopters

As a result of implantation of a phakic lens, the optical structures of the eye (cornea and lens) do not undergo anatomical and optical changes. The PRL does not touch the anterior capsule of the lens because the lens is made of hydrophobic material and its curvature follows that of the lens, the edges of the lens are located on the zonular fibers and it floats in the posterior chamber, maintaining distance from the anterior capsule. The “floating” state allows fluid to pass under the PRL without changing the metabolism in the lens itself, which does not impair its transparency. Removing PRL is easily possible if necessary, but as world practice shows, it is performed extremely rarely.

The use of phakic lenses is recommended:
  • patients with a high degree of myopia (up to -30.0 D);
  • patients with a high degree of farsightedness (up to +15.0 D);
  • patients with a high degree of astigmatism (up to 6.0 D);
  • patients with thin corneas.
Contraindications for implantation are:
  • dystrophy and opacities of the cornea;
  • cataract;
  • subluxation of the lens;
  • glaucoma or increased intraocular pressure;
  • small anterior chamber (less than 2.5 mm);
  • problems with the retina or vitreous that make good vision impossible or require surgery in the posterior segment;
  • previous eye surgeries such as retinal, vitreous or antiglaucomatous surgeries.
  • chronic inflammation of the choroid.
In addition, PRL implantation is most effective and safe in patients under 50 years of age. In cases of progressive myopia, operations that strengthen the sclera are indicated.

PRL/MPL implantation is relatively safe, has predictable results, and is reversible. The lens allows you to achieve an immediate and stable refractive effect.
The most common complications when implanting these lenses are as follows:
  • inaccuracy in calculating lens power,
  • decentration of the optical zone.

In cases of high degree astigmatism and its combination with high degrees of farsightedness or myopia, correction is carried out with a posterior chamber phakic IOL model ICL. The implantation technique, indications and contraindications remain the same as in cases of PRL implantation.