
Unique offer only for AMS patients
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Lymphoma is a cancerous neoplasm that affects lymphatic tissue, damaging internal organs and causing enlargement of lymph nodes. Timely examination and professional treatment significantly increase the chances of recovery. And the Humanitas clinic provides patients with a full range of services.
The human lymphatic system consists of a large number of lymph nodes, the thymus, the spleen, and the spinal cord. The main danger of lymphoma is that it can affect each of these areas and subsequently spread to other organs.

Today, experts distinguish two types of lymphomas:

Hodgkin's lymphoma.
Non-Hodgkin's lymphomas.
Therapy is developed individually depending on the type of lymphoma, the stage of the disease, and the patient's personal preferences. Treatment may include a number of methods: stem cell transplantation, chemotherapy, radiation therapy, medication, etc.

Symptoms and diagnosis of lymphoma
One of the first obvious symptoms is enlarged lymph nodes in the neck, groin and armpits. They are easily palpated, but do not hurt, as is the case with infections. Taking antibiotics does not help to reduce them, and over time, the lymph nodes do not become smaller either.

Along with the enlargement of the lymph nodes, the liver and spleen may enlarge, causing a person to feel constant heaviness in the abdomen. Sometimes breathing becomes difficult, and pain in the lower back occurs. In addition, pressure may be felt in the neck and face. Often, patients attribute such symptoms to other diseases and are in no hurry to see a doctor. However, delay in such cases is unacceptable.

As the disease progresses, more obvious signs of cancer appear:

loss of appetite and rapid weight loss;
general weakness;
high temperature;
profuse sweating even in cool conditions.
To diagnose lymphoma, specialists at the Humanitas clinic carry out a whole range of procedures:

A specialist examination allows for a primary examination of enlarged lymph nodes and an assessment of the patient’s general condition.
Biochemical and general blood analysis to detect cancer cells in its composition.
A biopsy of lymph node tissue followed by its examination.
Biopsy is one of the key stages of diagnostics. Based on morphological analysis, the specialist determines whether there are actually cancer cells in the tissue or whether the enlargement of the lymph node is caused by other factors.

If the diagnosis is confirmed, the patient is assigned additional examinations. Radiological diagnostics allows to establish whether there are cancer cells in those parts of the body that cannot be examined during the initial examination. Bone marrow examination shows whether cancer cells are present in bone marrow tissue. Plus, other diagnostic measures may be assigned to determine all the features of the lymphoma and begin the most appropriate treatment.

Specifics of lymphoma treatment
Treatment methods largely depend on the form of lymphoma.

Indolent lymphoma

In some cases, no treatment is needed at all. However, the patient needs to be regularly monitored by an oncologist. If the disease begins to progress, it is necessary to begin treatment. The impetus for this can be an increase in body temperature, an increase in the size of the lymph nodes and general weakness. Chemotherapy and radiotherapy are often used in treatment.

Aggressive lymphoma

Most require immediate treatment immediately after diagnosis. One of the most effective treatments in this case is the CHOP chemotherapy program. But other methods can be used.

Highly aggressive lymphoma

Requires prompt and comprehensive treatment. Chemotherapeutic programs are often used for acute lymphoblastic leukemia and the like. Highly aggressive and aggressive lymphomas can be cured, but not always. In the second case, the task of doctors is to improve the patient's quality of life and extend its life as much as possible.

Today, one of the newest and most effective methods of treating lymphoma is high-dose chemotherapy in combination with blood stem cell transplantation. High rates of successful treatment and normalization of patients' condition have made the method popular throughout Europe and beyond.

If you or your loved ones are faced with a disease such as lymphoma, you need to act immediately. The Humanitas network of private clinics accepts foreign patients and provides them with the highest class of services. Each patient is provided with an individual approach, comprehensive diagnostics and professional treatment in comfortable conditions.