Liver metastases

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Modern practice proves that the formation of metastases in the liver structure is fixable. With a timely and correct approach, it is possible to completely eliminate metastases, if possible, preserving normal liver function, and return a person to a normal lifestyle.

Professor Torzilli, whose work was published in the scientific journal "Surgery" (USA), was the first to speak about the possibility of removing metastases from the liver, even in advanced form. He formed the key principles of surgical and oncological treatment techniques.

Torzilli's work provides clear technical recommendations for resection of metastatic lesions. For this purpose, special ultrasound intraoperative equipment is used. With its help, it becomes possible to carry out the necessary radical treatment during a single surgical intervention. And this is very important, since about 80% of patients are unable to survive a two-stage cycle.

Surgical removal of liver metastases is supplemented by chemotherapy. Provided that they are chemo-responsive, up to 60% of all patients prolong their lives by 5 years or are completely cured of cancer. More details about the technology of removing metastases are below.

How metastases are formed and what is their danger
The liver is the organ most susceptible to metastasis. The reason is the continuous flow of blood from the diseased organ, which is filtered in the liver. Cancer cells also get here with the blood, settle on the tissues, and subsequently form metastatic nodes. This is possible with almost any type of oncology: lung cancer, gastrointestinal tract, pancreas, breast cancer, etc.

The appearance of metastases entails two main dangers:

Damage to cells that perform vital functions.
Rapid development of renal failure.
In this connection, mechanical jaundice, portal hypertension, varicose veins, etc. may develop. Swelling and even bleeding are also observed. Such phenomena occur at advanced stages. If the metastases are still small (up to 2 centimeters in diameter), they practically do not give any symptoms.

Among the first signs of metastasis development, the following can be distinguished:

frequent heartburn and pain in the right hypochondrium;
yellowing of the skin and mucous membranes;
loss of appetite and rapid weight loss;
temperature rise;
itching in different areas of the skin;
accumulation of fluid in the abdomen;
enlargement of veins in the abdominal area.
If you notice such symptoms, you should visit a doctor as soon as possible to conduct a detailed diagnosis and, if cancer is confirmed, begin treatment. Remember that liver metastases are almost always stage 4 cancer. Every day counts.

Diagnosis and treatment principles
For precise diagnostics, Humanitas clinic specialists perform ultrasound, PET and magnetic resonance imaging. Radioisotope examination and puncture with subsequent histological examination are also performed.

Modern oncology requires mandatory examination of liver tissue in cases where any cancerous tumor is detected. The stage, volume and location do not matter. In addition, in rare cases, metastases in the liver are found earlier than the main tumor. In this case, the entire body is examined in order to find the source of the disease.

One of the most effective treatment methods today is the use of the CyberKnife radiosurgical system. It provides the ability to ensure high precision irradiation of individual metastases and to precisely direct a large dose of ionizing radiation to the neoplasm. At the same time, the impact of rays on healthy tissues is minimized.

In one session, CyberKnife allows you to treat up to 10 objects (metastases). The procedure itself is performed without anesthesia, which makes it safer for the body weakened by the disease. In addition, other treatment methods are used:

Radioembolization, which involves blocking the blood supply to the metastasis, thereby depriving it of nutrition. And a special radioisotope helps destroy cancer cells.
Chemotherapy is a classic and one of the most effective treatment methods. Chemotherapeutic drugs are mainly administered into the hepatic artery.
Electroresection IRE is the destruction of tumor tissue at the cellular level using electric current.
Liver transplantation if the metastasis or primary tumor does not exceed 7 cm in size and the nearest vessels are not affected. Five-year survival after transplantation reaches 74% and the risk of relapse of the disease is significantly reduced.
These and other treatment methods can be combined to achieve the best result. At Humanitas, the treatment program is always developed 100% individually based on the diagnosis and characteristics of the patient's body.