Liver cancer

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Liver cancer develops directly from liver cells or can be a metastasis of another cancer. The second option is observed much more often, which is why treatment includes removal of the primary tumor. Details about the symptoms of the disease, risk factors and treatment methods are further in the article.
Primary liver cancer is a large list of types of the disease: hepatoblastoma, hemangiosarcoma, hepatocellular carcinoma, and others. Liver sarcoma is a rare but dangerous disease in which the tumor develops rapidly and often spreads to other organs.
Sarcoma often occurs in young people and even children. The tumor not only grows quickly, but also metastasizes in a short time. Other forms of liver cancer often affect people over forty. But they can also occur at an earlier age.

Scientists are still studying the causes of the disease, but no direct factors have been identified. Climate conditions, human diet, taking certain medications, etc. have an impact. Cancer often develops in people with liver cirrhosis.
Risk factors and symptoms of liver cancer
Statistically, men have a higher predisposition to liver cancer than women. Experts attribute this to a greater tendency to drink alcohol. Often, tumors arise due to chronic infections. For example, hepatitis B and C. Patients also have increased iron levels in the liver, which is also a risk factor.
Not long ago, a link between liver cancer and nicotine addiction was proven. Among other risk factors, experts highlight:
  • Eating foods containing aflatoxin, a mycotoxin of the fungus Aspergilis flavus, which is formed in foods that are not stored properly. These foods include rice, corn, peanuts, etc.
  • Anabolics. Long-term use of anabolic steroids by athletes has a negative impact on the liver and can provoke cancer.
  • Arsenic. In a number of modern countries, large amounts of arsenic are found in the water consumed by residents.
Often, cancer symptoms appear against the background of other diseases: cirrhosis, hepatitis, etc. Therefore, the patient does not always notice changes in his body in time and does not immediately contact the right specialist.
The main symptoms are as follows:
  • pain in the liver area, which intensifies over time and can spread beyond the organ;
  • constant heaviness in the right side;
  • elevated body temperature – 37.5 degrees or more;
  • ascites - a large accumulation of fluid in the abdominal cavity;
  • yellowing of the skin, sclera and mucous membranes;
  • weight loss, loss of appetite, weakness and general malaise.
That is, the symptoms are the same as those that may occur with other liver diseases. But to rule out oncology, it is better to undergo appropriate examinations.
Diagnosis and treatment of liver cancer
Diagnostics includes the following methods:
  1. Ultrasound – detects a neoplasm and often allows you to determine its type.
  2. A tissue biopsy is the most accurate diagnostic method to determine the presence of cancer cells in the liver.
  3. Computed tomography – detects even the smallest tumors that are not visible on ultrasound.
  4. Laparoscopy is a minimally invasive diagnostic method that allows you to visually examine the tumor and take a tissue sample for further examination.
  5. Blood testing is used not only as a diagnostic method, but also to determine the effectiveness of treatment.
The treatment plan at Humanitas is always developed individually in an interdisciplinary discussion. A number of specialists from various fields are involved in order to select the optimal program.
If the tumor is operable, preparation begins as soon as possible. The advantages of surgical removal of liver metastases are the regenerative capacity of the organ. The removed parts of the liver are restored and it functions normally.
The second current treatment method is chemotherapy. Medicinal action on tumor cells allows to stop its growth, and after surgical removal – to destroy the remaining cells and reduce the risk of relapse of the disease. Additionally, radiotherapy can be used. It is also designed to slow down the rate of tumor development and allow surgeons to successfully perform the operation.
Timely treatment gives good prognosis for patients. And thanks to minimally invasive surgical intervention techniques, the patient's recovery is accelerated and damage to healthy tissues is significantly reduced.