Penis enlargement

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What to expect from surgical techniques?
Depending on the surgical technique, the increase in penis size is cumulative, ie it can be repeated several times, and with each new intervention, a greater and more permanent result is obtained.

Penis enlargement is NOT cumulative, so it can only be done once.

Permanent penis enlargement is achieved only by implanting a PLGA carrier, dermolipectomy, scrotoplasty or corporoplasty. These are mostly complex urogenital reconstructive procedures that are successfully performed by very few genital surgeons. Therefore, these procedures are not popularized by a wide circle of doctors and are not so easily available to a man who wants to permanently enlarge his penis.

Penis enlargement with hyaluronic fillers, liposuction of the pubis, ligamentolysis and lipofilling are procedures that do not give permanent results of penis enlargement, but are the most affordable for men due to the large number of doctors who offer these services.

Due to possible shortening and tightening of the scars inside the penis after surgery, sometimes a penile extender or a vacuum device must be used.

Due to better healing of surgical wounds, it is recommended to use skin care creams and scar prevention.

Permanent increase in penis size with biodegradable carriers
- Penis enlargement with PGLA scaffolds -

The biodegradable support (scaffold) is a laboratory-created polymer in the shape of a cylinder that is surgically implanted under the skin of the penis. Scaffolds are specially prepared before the procedure using serum enriched with activated platelets and hyaluronic acid (PRP Matrix). The degradable scaffolds are gradually replaced by natural tissue under the skin of the penis over the course of 3 to 4 months. After surgery, the problem of accumulation of seroma under the skin of the penis often occurs, which is why a new operation is necessary to remove the seroma, and then damage to the vascularization of the skin of the penis can occur. Although the results are permanent, due to frequent complications and the high cost of consumables, this method is not justified.

The operation is performed under general anesthesia.
The intervention lasts about 60 minutes.
The hospital stay is one day after the operation.
Regular controls are done every two days.
The abstinence period is from 10 to 12 weeks
If desired, the operation can be repeated after 12 months. It is possible to repeat this procedure a maximum of three times.

Increasing the length of the penis by cutting the suspensory ligaments
- Ligamentolysis -

By cutting the ligaments of the penis, the "hidden length" of the penis can be released. The surgical approach is generally above the penis when performing VY skin plasty in order to additionally elongate the penis aesthetically. An alternative approach, which provides excellent aesthetic results, is through a scrotal incision or through a circumcision incision, which avoids a scar above the penis.

Ligamentolysis can be done in combination with penis enlargement using the Lipocube Microfat system and scrotoplasty.
The operation is performed under general anesthesia.
The operation lasts about 60 minutes.
The hospital stay is one day after the operation.
Regular controls are done every few days.
The abstinence period is 4 to 6 weeks.

Increasing the length of the penis by liposuction of the pubic region

This procedure is done along with increasing the volume with your own fat cells. Apart from the need for general anesthesia and postoperative recovery, this method rarely causes complications such as edema and hematoma. The disadvantage of the operation is the possibility of re-creation of excess fatty tissue at the liposuction site.

Increasing the length of the penis by surgically removing fat and pubic skin
-  Dermolipectomy -

This operation is also called "Mini Tummy Tuck" procedure. By removing excess skin and fatty tissue, the so-called lower abdomen, which covers the body of the penis, complete exposure of the entire length of the penis is achieved. The skin of the pubis returns to its normal position above the penis, which dramatically increases the length of the penis.

The operation is performed under general anesthesia.
The operation lasts about 2 hours.
The hospital stay is one day after the operation.
Regular controls are done every few days.
The abstinence period is 4 to 6 weeks.

Increasing the length of the penis by reducing the scrotal skin
- Scrotoplasty -

Scrotal reduction or scrotoplasty is an operation to separate the scrotal skin from the body of the penis, and to form a new relationship in the angle between the penis and the scrotum.

This operation gives permanent results.
The operation is performed on an outpatient basis under local anesthesia.
The operation lasts about 45 minutes.
Discharge from the hospital is on the same day.
Regular controls are done every few days.
The abstinence period is 4 weeks.

Increasing the length and width of the penis
by increasing the deep structures of the penis
- Corporoplasty -

This is the so-called real functional and not just cosmetic penis enlargement. Radical reconstructive surgical intervention and the use of different implant materials increase the internal deep structures of the penis. This procedure is only done in patients suffering from Peyronie's disease or in patients with erectile dysfunction.

Increasing the width of the penis with your own fat
- Lipofilling -

Taking fat is done by liposuction, most often from the pubic region, because in this way the penis can be increased in length. The fat is prepared by decanting (precipitation, in order to obtain the highest percentage of fat), and the addition of PRP Matrix. The fat is injected into the space under the skin of the penis using special blunt needles (cannulae). After surgery, there may be an irregular distribution of fat tissue and the appearance of bumps. Also, about 50% of the fat is resorbed in the first few months after the intervention.

The operation is performed under general anesthesia.
The intervention lasts about 60 minutes.
You are discharged from the hospital the same or the next day.
Regular controls are done every few days.
The abstinence period is 4 to 6 weeks
After 6 to 9 months after the operation, the treatment can be repeated.

Increasing the girth of the penis with your own fat
- Lipcube Microfat System -

The difference compared to the outdated method of lipofilling is the use of processed own fat with the Lipocube Microfat System. To begin with, specially designed liposuction cannulas are used to obtain more regular adipose tissue, the adipose tissue is processed with a centrifuge and controlled shredding to the level of micro fat, which results in a completely different product compared to the old method of lipofilling. The fat prepared in this way is homogeneous and looks like a paste. The injection is very similar to lipofilling. The Lipocube system gives a much more regular contour of the penis and a much lower degree of fat cell resorption. It is a slightly more expensive method compared to lipofilling due to the consumables used.

The operation is performed under general anesthesia.
The intervention lasts about 60 minutes.
You are discharged from the hospital the same or the next day.
Regular controls are done every few days.
The abstinence period is 4 to 6 weeks
After 6 to 9 months after the operation, the treatment can be repeated.