Dental treatment in Latvia
Unique offer only for AMS patients
Special prices. Individual approach. Urgent treatment plan.
Welcome to Dental Medical Riga
The Modern Dentistry Office for Your Entire Family
Our patients highly appreciate dental care and the quality of the provided services. Sign up for a visit and get a positive experience!

Best Professionals

In our clinicworks highly experienced staff to give you the best of modern stomatology.
Complete Care
We provide services ranging from treatment to implantology, prosthetics and endodontics.
Modern Equipment
Regardless of the complexity of the work, we will do it! We have the most advanced equipment!
Always Ready To Help
Aching tooth? Our friendly team will always help you and we will find the most suitable time for you!
Complete Dental Services
Individual approach to each patient and treatment option
Best prices in Riga!
You need a clinic where you can have regular check-ups, routine cleaning, precise medical diagnosis and repairment
Whether it is a small dot on the surface broken tooth or Dental implant placement. We will fix it as soon as possible.
Implant dentistry
Nowadays, implants have become an integral part of dentistry. We will do it at the highest level.
When tooth decay gets too advanced, the procedure involves cleaning the inside of the roots to avoid infection and complications We will carry out treatment according to all standards.
Teeth Whitening
High-quality, careful teeth whitening under the supervision of a professional specialist using the latest materials and methods.
Our orthodontist will make every effort to create a true and beautiful smile for any patient.
Dental Anesthesia
Our goal is to create a good experience for yourdentist vist. We start with painless injection of anesthesia.
X-ray Services
The latest technology in 2D and 3D X-rays allows to do the most accurate investigation and best treatment planning.
Unique offer only for AMS patients
Special prices. Individual approach. Urgent treatment plan.