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Peels are procedures used for surface peeling of the skin. These peels are used for fixing fine lines and wrinkles, buffering mild acne scars, reduction of dark spots on the face, giving and returning the glow to your skin.

Chemical peels can be done on face, neck, hands, arms and legs. Depending on depth they are divided into superficial, medium surface and deep peels.

Most often two types of skin peels are done:

Chemical peels using glycolic acid: depending on the concentration these peels can be superficial (20% glycolic acid) which enhance skin look, or medium surface (up to 70% glycolic acid) that is done only by a physician.

Chemical peels with trichloroacetic acid (TCA): this is a peel of enhanced strength that is done only by a physician. It belongs to medium surface peels and is used for treatment of scars, fine wrinkles and sun damages. Peels with 15%, 25% and 35% are used depending on skin condition.

Chemical peel by phenol is a deep peel and is done only by physicians.

After the peel skin will be red similar to sunburn, but the patient will be able to return to normal activities within a few days. Use of make-up is not recommended for 24 to 48 hours.

Depending on the state that is being treated, mentioned peels can be combined with other types of peels or other procedures, on which a doctor decides.

Face peel usually starts with 30% glycolic acid and is gradually increased up to 70%. The Physician will decide on the correct program for your skin.

With some patients results are achieved after one treatment. Generally speaking, series of three to six treatments are needed for optimal results. Breaks between the treatments are at least two to three weeks. Peels results are obvious very fast.

Medical peel procedure requires 15-20 minutes.

Dr. Milan Jovanovic will be happy to discuss this procedure with you. Please, feel free and call us and schedule a consultation or send your questions to our email.