Full check-ups in Italy
Unique offer only for AMS patients
Special prices. Individual approach. Urgent treatment plan.
Check up packages
Check Up U40‐50 Male
1 Lab tests package male
2 abdominal ultrasonic tomography (complete)
3 electrocardiogram
4 electrocardiogram with stress test – continuous monitoring
5 colour ultrasound dopplerography of supra-aortic trunks
6 appointment with cardiologist
7 appointment with general medicine specialist

Lab Tests Package: Hemochromocytometry, VES, PCR, total proteins and electrophoresis proteins, urea, uric acid, creatinine, Na, K, ferritin,
PT, PTT, TSH, glycaemia, triglycerides, total and fractionated cholestrol, AST, ALT, HDL, fractionated bilirubin, phosphate.alkaline, GGT, HBsAg, anti‐HCV, PSA, urine test, occult blood stool, homocysteine, AFP, CEA, Gica
1249 -1527 Euro
Check Up U51 Male
1 Lab tests package male
2 abdominal ultrasonic tomography (complete)
3 electrocardiogram
4 electrocardiogram with stress test – continuous monitoring
5 colour ultrasound dopplerography of supra-aortic trunks
6 appointment with cardiologist
7 appointment with general medicine specialist
8 colonscopy (biopsy if needed)
9 digestive system – endoscopic biopsy (multi-site)
10 urofluometry
11 appointment with the urologist

Lab Tests Package: Hemochromocytometry, VES, PCR, total proteins and electrophoresis proteins, urea, uric acid, creatinine, Na, K, ferritin,
PT, PTT, TSH, glycaemia, triglycerides, total and fractionated cholestrol, AST, ALT, HDL, fractionated bilirubin, phosphate.alkaline, GGT, HBsAg, anti‐HCV, PSA, urine test, occult blood stool, homocysteine, AFP, CEA, Gica
2306 -2818 Euro
Check Up D25-30 Female
1 Lab tests package female
2 appointment with gynaecologist
3 Pap test
4 appointment with general medicine specialist

Lab Tests Package: Blood glucose, triglycerides, total and fractionated cholesterol, GOT, GPT, GGT, alkaline phosphatase, cholinesterase, phosphate, AST, ALT, HDL, fractionated bilirubin, urea, uric acid, creatinine, Na, K, ESR, PCR, serum protein electrophoresis, ionized calcium, ferritin, TSH , hemochromocytometric, PT, PTT, HBsAg, anti‐HCV, ex. urine, occult blood in stools, vitamin D 25OH, vitamin D 1‐25OH, PTH, homocysteine, AFP, CEA, CA, Gica
823 -1005 Euro
Check Up D31-40 Female
1 Lab tests package female
2 appointment with gynaecologist
3 Pap test
4 appointment with general medicine specialist
5 bilateral breast ultrasonic tomography

Lab Tests Package: Blood glucose, triglycerides, total and fractionated cholesterol, GOT, GPT, GGT, alkaline phosphatase, cholinesterase, phosphate, AST, ALT, HDL, fractionated bilirubin, urea, uric acid, creatinine, Na, K, ESR, PCR, serum protein
electrophoresis, ionized calcium, ferritin, TSH , hemochromocytometric, PT, PTT, HBsAg, anti‐HCV, ex. urine, occult blood in stools, vitamin D 25OH, vitamin D 1‐25OH, PTH, homocysteine, AFP, CEA, CA, Gica
953 -1165 Euro
Check Up D41-50 Female
1 Lab tests package female
2 appointment with gynaecologist
3 Pap test
4 appointment with general medicine specialist
5 bilateral breast ultrasonic tomography
6 abdominal ultrasonic tomography (complete)
7 electrocardiogram
8 electrocardiogram with stress test – continuous monitoring
9 colour ultrasound dopplerography of supra-aortic trunks
10 appointment with cardiologist
11 bilateral mammography

Lab Tests Package: Blood glucose, triglycerides, total and fractionated cholesterol, GOT, GPT, GGT, alkaline phosphatase, cholinesterase, phosphate, AST, ALT, HDL, fractionated bilirubin, urea, uric acid, creatinine, Na, K, ESR, PCR, serum protein
electrophoresis, ionized calcium, ferritin, TSH , hemochromocytometric, PT, PTT, HBsAg, anti‐HCV, ex. urine, occult blood in stools, vitamin D 25OH, vitamin D 1‐25OH, PTH, homocysteine, AFP, CEA, CA, Gica
1839 -2247 Euro
Check Up D51 Female
1 Lab tests package female
2 appointment with gynaecologist
3 Pap test
4 appointment with general medicine specialist
5 bilateral breast ultrasonic tomography
6 abdominal ultrasonic tomography (complete)
7 electrocardiogram
8 electrocardiogram with stress test – continuous monitoring
9 colour ultrasound dopplerography of supra-aortic trunks
10 appointment with cardiologist
11 bilateral mammography
12 colonscopy (biopsy if needed)
13 digestive system – endoscopic biopsy (multi-site)
14 computerized bone mineralometry (MOC) femoral
15 computerized bone mineralometry (MOC) lumbar

Lab Tests Package: Blood glucose, triglycerides, total and fractionated cholesterol, GOT, GPT, GGT, alkaline phosphatase, cholinesterase, phosphate, AST, ALT, HDL, fractionated bilirubin, urea, uric acid, creatinine, Na, K, ESR, PCR, serum protein
electrophoresis, ionized calcium, ferritin, TSH , hemochromocytometric, PT, PTT, HBsAg, anti‐HCV, ex. urine, occult blood in stools, vitamin D 25OH, vitamin D 1‐25OH, PTH, homocysteine, AFP, CEA, CA, Gica
2838 -3468 Euro
Check Up U-Total Male
1 Medical Ward Room
2 Blood tests
3 abdominal ultrasonic tomography (complete)
4 neck ultrasonic tomography
5 electrocardiogram
6 electrocardiogram with stress test – continuous monitoring
7 colour ultrasound dopplerography of supra-aortic trunks
8 colonscopy (biopsy if needed)
9 Esophagogastroduodenoscopy (biopsy if needed)
10 digestive system – endoscopic biopsy (multi-site)
11 chest X-ray
12 basic spirometry with flow-volume curve
13 complete tone audiometry
14 computer-aided nevus mapping
15 urofluometry
16 Endoscopic Room
17 sedation outside the operating blocks (NORA)
18 Drugs (during stay)
19 Surgical Theater Materials
20 appointment with general medicine specialist
21 appointment with cardiologist
22 appointment with the urologist
23 genetic consultation for gastrointestinal diseases
24 appointment with otorhynolaryngologist
25 appointment with ophthalmologist
26 appointment with dermatologist
27 Interpreter services and document translation

Lab Tests Package: Hemochromocytometry, VES, PCR, total proteins and electrophoresis proteins, urea, uric acid, creatinine, Na, K, ferritin, PT,
PTT, TSH, glycaemia, triglycerides, total and fractionated cholestrol, AST, ALT, HDL, fractionated bilirubin, phosphate. alkaline, GGT, HBsAg, anti‐HCV, PSA, urine test, occult blood stool, homocysteine, AFP, CEA, Gica
8792 -10746 Euro
Check Up D-Total Female
1 Medical Ward Room
2 Blood tests
3 abdominal ultrasonic tomography (complete)
4 neck ultrasonic tomography
5 electrocardiogram
6 electrocardiogram with stress test – continuous monitoring
7 colour ultrasound dopplerography of supra-aortic trunks
8 colonscopy (biopsy if needed)
9 Esophagogastroduodenoscopy (biopsy if needed)
10 digestive system – endoscopic biopsy (multi-site)
11 chest X-ray
12 basic spirometry with flow-volume curve
13 complete tone audiometry
14 computer-aided nevus mapping
15 bilateral breast ultrasonic tomography
16 bilateral mammography
17 Pap test
18 computerized bone mineralometry (MOC)
19 Endoscopic Room
20 sedation outside the operating blocks (NORA)
21 Drugs (during stay)
22 Surgical Theater Materials
23 appointment with general medicine specialist
24 appointment with cardiologist
25 appointment with gynaecologist
26 genetic consultation for gastrointestinal diseases
27 appointment with otorhynolaryngologist
28 appointment with ophthalmologist
29 appointment with dermatologist
30 appointment with breast physician
31 Interpreter services and document translation

Lab Tests Package: Blood glucose, triglycerides, total and fractionated cholesterol, GOT, GPT, GGT, alkaline phosphatase, cholinesterase, phosphate, AST, ALT, HDL, fractionated bilirubin, urea, uric acid, creatinine, Na, K, ESR, PCR, serum protein electrophoresis, ionized calcium, ferritin, TSH , hemochromocytometric, PT, PTT, HBsAg, anti‐HCV, ex. urine, occult blood in stools, vitamin D 25OH, vitamin D 1‐25OH, PTH, homocysteine, AFP, CEA, CA, Gica
9683 -11835 Euro
Unique offer only for AMS patients
Special prices. Individual approach. Urgent treatment plan.
Regular check-ups are extremely useful in checking your health state and discovering any diseases at an early stage. Early diagnosis of a disease is critical, as it allows timely treatment and often, complete recovery. Women should undergo check-ups annually, performing a gynecological visit and a breast ultrasound, in addition to the diagnostics indicated based on their age, body mass index, genetics, lifestyle, etc. On the other hand, men between 40 and 50 years old should examine their health once every two years, and annually, as soon as they turn 50. Certainly, it is essential to take into account the results of check-ups, as some findings might require closer monitoring to prevent disease escalation.
Humanitas Check-up department gives Humanitas patients a chance to carry out a complete personalized health control diagnostics and visits. Currently, over 2,300 patients perform their check-ups at Humanitas every year. The Head of the Check-up department analyses each patient’s individual case, their symptoms, chronic conditions, lifestyle, age, and other parameters to create their personalized check-up plan. Patients can perform all the visits of their program in a dedicated, comfortable area during one day on the outpatient basis (inpatient options are available if preferred), followed by a check-up coordinator. At the end of the patient’s program, Doctor gathers all the specialists’ findings and recommendations, to provide the patient with a clear and comprehensive recommendations/treatment plan. This way, all the next steps to follow are understandable for the patient. Personalization of the check-up program is crucial, in order for the patient to avoid over-diagnosis: wasteful or unnecessary invasive, harmful, and often costly examinations, and allow to focus on detection of diseases that are most likely to arise. This is why Doctor plans the tests on the individual basis, according to each patient’s context.
Humanitas check-up patients also have a unique opportunity to perform endoscopic diagnostics, such as gastroscopy and colonoscopy, painlessly under a sedation, and on the outpatient basis. What is more, if doctors receive abnormal or suspicious findings during the patient’s control program, further, more specialized, diagnostic tests can be booked on the days following the check-up. Humanitas is equipped with the latest diagnostic technology, able to detect diseases with exceptional precision. For instance, Humanitas specialists use 3 Tesla and multiparametric MRI scans (the latter provides urological patients information on the status of their prostate, thus allowing them to avoid a biopsies).

Humanitas International Department will help you book your check-up program in an easy and seamless way. Contract us to get your personalized Humanitas Check-up program.