Buried penis

Unique offer only for AMS patients
Special prices. Individual approach. Urgent treatment plan.
A buried penis is an anomaly that occurs in newborn boys, but it can also be acquired in adult men. Excess skin and fatty tissue on the lower abdomen hides the penis.

Treatment is exclusively surgical. The surgeon removes excess fat and skin from the pubic bone area, and then adjusts the skin of the penis in its place, which gives immediate results of penis enlargement.

In children, hidden penis is treated with surgery at the age of 12 to 18 months.

The operation is performed under general anesthesia.

In children, surgical intervention lasts up to 90 minutes.
For adults, the operation takes about 2 hours.

The child stays with his mother in the hospital suite for one day.

Adult men stay in the hospital for two days.

After leaving the hospital, regular check-ups are for two days.

Abstinence after surgery, in adult patients, is 4 to 6 weeks.

We always emphasize how important it is to make the right choice of surgeon to whom you will entrust your body or the body of your child. If you have any doubts, don't go for surgery - fixing an ingrown penis is not an emergency. Be well informed before making a final decision.

The recommendation for young men with a small penis is not to despair, but to contact a genital surgeon - andrologist - urologist. It is quite possible that they suffer from a condition known as hidden penis, buried penis or retracted penis, a problem that can be solved with surgical intervention.