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Patients who have large, heavy and sagging or just sagging breasts have a big psychophysical load. This problem is corrected by surgical reduction and breast suspension.

Candidates for breast reduction and lift aside from strong desire must also have breasts that are too big compared to their body, heavy and sagging breasts that cause pain in neck and back, and cause irritation of the skin under the breasts because of their weight. Nipples must be under the inframammary fold. Patients that are younger than 18 years and who plan to have children are not good candidates for breast surgery.

Preparation of the patient for breast reduction surgery begins usually during the first check-up. Patient consent is the first step in preparation of the patient for the breast surgery. It is very important to create trust between the patient and the doctor. Surgeon informs the patient what the surgery includes and what needs to be done before the surgery. During the initial examination the surgeon will probably ask you to look in the mirror and show exactly what kind of change you would like to be done to your breasts.

During the examination you will give anamnestic data on illnesses or surgical treatments you hade previously, medicine allergies, diabetes, hypertension, anemia, chronic infections. Smoking should be stopped before the surgery, as well as taking of aspirin, vitamin C and other anti-inflammatory medicines. Data on possible tumors or breast biopsies done on you or close family should be given. If there is positive family anamnesis a preoperative breast mammography should be performed. Surgeon must also be informed if your breasts change shape during weight reduction or gain. It is very important to give complete information.

After that, an examination is done, with measuring size and shape of the breasts as well as nipple and areola position.

There are many surgical techniques and they are used depending on size, shape, patient's wish and surgeon's experience. Techniques are divided by different criteria and for the patient the most important are shape of the breasts and scars. Scars can be only around areola, they can be vertical or T-shaped. If the ptosis is not too pronounced there are techniques without incisions, combining liposuction and suspension by special sutures or APTOS threads. Depending on technique type breast reduction surgery duration is between 2 and 3 hours and is done in general anesthesia.

Patient stays in hospital for one night. Day after the surgery you will be encouraged to get out of bed for short intervals. Straining, lifting and bending must be avoided. After the surgery, aspiration drains are inserted and are left for a few days. After 10 to 14 days sutures are removed. A bra needs to be worn postoperative, and scars that are red in the beginning are to be treated for a year after the surgery.

Complications are very rare, and most often they are hematoma, temporary feeling of nipple sensitivity and later complications include scars.