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Breast augmentation
Breast augmentation, after liposuction, is one of the most common aesthetic surgeries. Most patients that want this type of surgery are mostly young women while middle-aged women mostly want breast lift and augmentation.

First tries of breast augmentation were done even in 1904. However, surgical installing of implants starts in 1958 by Ivalon who installed implants consisting of spongy polyvinyl alcohol whose use was soon discontinued.

In 1963 Cronin and Gerow used for the first time prosthesis made of silicone jelly that is used still today, but with extensive modifications.

Many women do not like their breasts being huge, but they like when they are so big that they can satisfy their inner feelings of desired look. The problem is most often underdeveloped size or asymmetry of the breasts, while with some women (that were pleased with their breasts in youth) often after weight loss, birth or as a result of ageing, comes to loss of volume and change in shape of breasts.

Breast augmentation can enhance size and shape of your breasts as well as achieve proportionate shape that will match configuration of your body and which you most probably always wanted.

Many women ask themselves the question if they are the right candidate for breast augmentation. To get an answer to this question you have to meet a couple of requirements, i.e. to have the following indications:

that you are too concerned about size of your breasts,
that there is disharmony between girth of your hips and girth of your breasts. So that the clothes that properly fits and matches size of your waist is often too small in the area of your breasts,
that there is asymmetry of size and girth of your breasts,
that your breasts became small and that they lost their form after birth or weight loss,
that there are certain congenital deformities of the breast.

If you decided to undergo breast augmentation, you have to know exactly how you want your breasts to look like.

During the first examination Dr. Milan Jovanovic will take from you anamnestic data that would include information whether you are allergic to some medicines, did you suffer from or are treated form some illness, earlier surgical procedures including possible breast biopsy and whether you are taking any medicine. You will tell if any member of your family suffered from breast cancer and what their mammography results were. That is important for gaining the complete information. If you want to have children after breast augmentation you will tell that to your doctor. Pregnancy can alter breast size in an unforeseen way and can affect long-term aesthetic result of your augmented breasts. It is not scientifically proven that the implant will affect the function of your breasts during pregnancy or your ability to breastfeed.

Dr. Milan Jovanovic will examine your breasts and will take in consideration factors such as size and shape of your breasts, skin quality and position of your nipples and areola. If your breasts are lowered, breast lift can be done in combination with breast augmentation. However, with women who are predisposed to breast cancer, plastic surgeon may request basic mammography before the operation and secondary mammography examination couple of months after the surgery. This will help discover some of the future changes in your breast tissue. After completed augmentation you still can control your breasts in case of any pathological changes that can occur unrelated to installed breast implant. Risk of breast cancer after breast augmentation has not been scientifically proven. However, the presence of breast implant has more of a technical importance to the surrounding tissue.

If you are taking aspirin or any other flammatory medicine they can cause increased bleeding, so their use should be stopped before the surgery. Your surgeon will preoperatively prepare you with additional preoperative instructions. Individual factor and personal wishes will help you and your doctor to determine the right size, shape and type of the prosthesis. Then location of the incision and whether the implant will be placed above or below the pectoral muscle. Implant type that will be used will be determined during prior consultation with you. There are many companies that produce breast implants, such as Eurosilicon, Mentor, Silimed, McGhan, etc. In shape they can be round or contour (high or low profile); they differ in volume, diameter and height; their surface can be smooth (rarely used) or textured (most often used, they provide appropriate surface for colagen contact); in their composition they can be filled with slow-discharge gel-silicone elastomers (used more often in Europe) or filled with saline (used more often in USA). Scientific proofs for implant safety and reliability are progressing very fast. New types of materials being used for prostheses are possible in the future.

Incision can be done in the inframammary fold, around lower edge of the areola, under armpit or more rarely in bellybutton level.

Implant is placed in the pocket that is prepared just behind glandular breast tissue (so called subglandular) or under the pectoral muscle (so called subpectoral).

Augmentation can be done in general or local anesthesia accompanied with intravenous analgosedation. Before that you will receive preoperative medication for your comfort.

When the breast surgery is done you will be transferred from operating room to semi-intensive care room where your full monitoring will be observed. After a few hours you can go home. If your surgeon assesses so, you can stay in the hospital for a night.

A day or two after the surgery you should recover. First bandage change is done after one or two days. All the time special clothing shaped like a bra is worn or elastic bandage that is supported by a bra. You can take a shower usually after three days and after consulting with your surgeon. The complete recovery is done in about seven days, while sutures are removed about 14 days after the surgery.

You can resume your normal activities a week after breast augmentation surgery, depending on the work you do. Sexual activities should be avoided at least for a week after the breast surgery. After that you should be careful and considerate with your breasts at least for a month after the surgery.

Breast augmentation surgery has its risks as any other surgery. About the risk subject and possible complications it is best to consult with Dr. Milan Jovanovic.

Breast augmentation will make your breasts look perfect. Many women who have done breast augmentation look more attractive and have pronounced feeling of self-esteem.

Results obtained by augmentation are permanent. However, pregnancy and natural ageing process will eventually change the size and shape of your breast that actually occurs with every woman and without augmentation. In those cases it is possible to do additional correction by breast lift.

After the surgery you will regularly report to scheduled check-ups that will be appointed by your doctor.