Radial keratotomy, which I described in one of the previous posts, had a number of disadvantages. Today I’ill tell you about one of them.

Disadvantage No. 1. The inability to replicate radial keratotomy.

Initially, only a limited number of surgeons, including myself, were capable of performing this operation. However, there was a high demand from numerous individuals seeking the procedure. As a result, various institutions started exploring ways to automate similar surgeries in the late 1980s. Once practical outcomes emerged, we began utilizing excimer lasers. This advancement brought us closer to a point where any moderately experienced surgeon could mechanically modify the cornea's curvature. This process involved simply pressing a button on the laser. Consequently, a robot known as the laser took over the operation, eliminating the need for human hands.

Although automation has improved accuracy and expanded technological capabilities, the surgeon still plays a crucial role in the success of a surgery. It’s important to have precise calculations, effective tactics, and high-quality equipment. Only with these elements in place can everything be done perfectly. Therefore, it is advisable to carefully select a doctor and clinic.