While laser vision correction can be a life-changing procedure, it's crucial to recognize that not everyone is an ideal candidate. As an eye surgeon, I prioritize patient safety and ensure that each individual receives personalized care. Let's have a closer look at some of the contraindications for laser vision correction to help you make informed decisions about your eye health.

• Corneal Thickness.
Laser vision correction requires a certain level of corneal thickness. If your corneas are too thin, this procedure may not be suitable for you. However, alternative surgical correction methods can always be considered.

• Eye Diseases.
Certain eye diseases, such as keratoconus, severe dry eye syndrome, cataracts, glaucoma, and retinal disorders, can impact eligibility for laser vision correction. Addressing these issues beforehand is essential. In such instances, there's always the option to choose an alternative surgical correction method.

• Pregnancy.
Laser vision correction is not typically recommended during pregnancy or while breastfeeding. It's advisable to wait until after hormonal levels stabilize.

• Prescription Stability.
For optimal and enduring results, your prescription should remain stable for a defined period before undergoing laser vision correction.

Before considering laser vision correction, consult your eye care specialist for a comprehensive assessment. They will evaluate various factors to determine your candidacy, prioritizing your ocular health and overall well-being.