Bladder extrophy

Unique offer only for AMS patients
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Bladder exstrophy is one of the most complex congenital anomalies of the urogenital system, which is treated exclusively by surgery.

Includes external genitalia defect, urinary bladder defect, pelvic bone defect, anterior abdominal wall muscle defect, anterior abdominal wall skin defect, navel deficiency.

Any form of exstrophy requires the most complicated surgical intervention in urology and genital surgery. In particularly complex and challenging cases, which occurs with previously poorly operated exstrophy, it may be necessary to plan two operations to repair the anomaly, with at least 6 months between operations.

The steps for correcting the anomaly are as follows:
  1. Removal of fibrous tissue around the bladder
  2. Correction of vesico-urethral reflux
  3. Formation of the anterior abdominal wall of the urinary bladder
  4. Bladder neck correction
  5. Formation of the urethra
  6. Correction of pubic bone defects
  7. Correction of the dorsal curvature of the penis (m)
  8. Reconstruction of the glans penis (m)
  9. Penile skin reconstruction (m)
  10. Reconstruction of the skin of the scrotum (m)
  11. Reconstruction of the clitoris (f)
  12. Reconstruction of the labia minora (female)
  13. Reconstruction of the labia majora (female)
  14. Formation of the introitus of the vagina (f)
  15. Reconstruction of the muscles of the anterior abdominal wall
  16. Reconstruction of the skin of the anterior abdominal wall
  17. Navel formation

Exstrophy is usually not operated before the age of 6 months.

The operation is performed under general anesthesia.

The duration of the operation is from 6 to 10 hours.

After exstrophy surgery, there is a Foley catheter in the urethra, a Cystofix in the bladder (for urine drainage), and a JJ probe in the ureters (if vesico-urethral reflux was treated).

Hospital stay is from 5 to 7 days.

Postoperative dressing with bandages that prevent swelling and hematoma is performed every day.

Three weeks after the operation, all bandages and the Foley catheter are removed, and when urination begins on the tip of the penis.

After the start of spontaneous urination, the emptying of the bladder is monitored every day with an ultrasound examination.

When the doctor is sure that urination is optimal - without residual urine, the Cystofix is ​​also removed.

​Patients receive aesthetically natural, fully functional, permanent results of exstrophy surgical treatment with just one operation, often referred to as "Perovic Exstrophy Repair" surgery. The degree of complications when using the techniques of Prof. Dr. Sava Perović in the treatment of exstrophy of the bladder is extremely small.